The face that my mirror reflects,
Has been smiling for too long.
I wonder if its truly happy or,
Inside she's singing a melancholy song.
Maybe she's trying,
Trying not to be broken.
Or maybe she's fighting her battles,
The wars are in her head, unspoken.
Dark voices in her mind,
Screams for freedom everytime,
She locks them up,
In a forever knot of time.
She searches around,
For the warmth of love.
Only to feel,
The breeze of the coldhearted world.
As I turn away from the mirror,
I take a leap into my thoughts to find,
The hurdles and torture,
Of a teenage mind.
I look back to those years,
When time went by slow,
A kid with a lot of questions
Where did my childhood go?
Teens, chasing dreams,
That is expected of us,
What about the things,
That we love?
Hustle to fit,
In the perfect patterns of the society,
Feels like a step farther,
From the edge of sobriety.
Running and running,
From the chase of sadness,
Makes us wish to escape,
This world of madness.
Games of pretence,
Masked faces full of lies,
People come and go,
Without saying goodbye.
We say we don't care,
But it shatters us inside.
But we keep our head up,
Because the world is in a battle of pride.
Stuck in a bubble,
Filled with emotions and doubts.
My sanity plays a question on loop,
Will i ever get out?
The journey was weakening,
Walked this path for too long alone,
My head wants the comfort of a soft pillow,
I wonder if I will ever find my home.